Notice on Drawing Investors’ Attention to Institutions named with “Jiuding”


Kunwujiuding Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “JD Capital” or the Company) recently received many feedback from investors that organizations or individuals have been using the name of “Jiuding” to register companies, issue investment products or conduct marketing campaigns. 

We hereby ask investors to note that:

1. Companies listed in this Notice (Appendix) all have nothing to do with JD Capital and we suggest that investors pay special attention in case of any misunderstanding. 

2. JD Capital assumes no responsibility for any behavior conducted by irrelevant organizations. Disputes, if any, should be settled with related organizations. Investors can feel free to file a complaint to regulation bodies or report a case to public security authorities to protect their legitimate interests. 

Kunwujiuding Investment Management Co., Ltd.

June 21, 2016

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