The Sixth Course of Jiuding Business School to be Held in March


The Sixth Course of Jiuding Business School to be Held in March 2012 in Beijing, with the theme “New Perspective, New Thinking”.

 “Entrepreneur Strategy and Management” curriculum by Jiuding Capital Business School have been held five times since its first opening in March 2011, the curriculum covering macro-economy, capital market, strategy and innovation, Sinology, human resources, brand marketing, crisis management, analysis of general financial and legal issues in an IPO company, IPO procedure management, etc. This Business School is also the first platform founded by a PE firm in China for portfolio companies’ management exchange and training.

By providing hit-the-nail-right-on-the-head curriculum, Jiuding Business School devotes itself to cultivating excellent private entrepreneurs in China by the approaches including widening the entrepreneurs’ view, cultivating entrepreneurship, improving their management thinking, etc. Since the opening of the school, overall, 400 persons from management of the portfolio companies have participated in the training.

In order to better provide value-added service for its portfolio companies, since 2010 Jiuding Capital has separated the value-added service from each business and built a specialized after-investment management team. The team has grown into nearly 30 persons, who are specialized in providing added-service to the portfolio companies. Each portfolio company is designated with an after-investment manager for understanding its needs and providing vale-added service including finance, taxes, management, M&A, etc.

As one piece of value-added service, Jiuding Business School is greatly welcomed by the portfolio companies. While expanding their perspectives and exchanging thoughts, they also establish more extensive resources and personal relationships, and some enterprises even become business partners through this platform.
