Emerging Industry Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Expert Seminar Was Held


2012 Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection External Expert Seminar sponsored by Jiuding Capital was held in Beijing on May 25th, 2012. 

Themed with “energy conservation and environmental protection”, the seminar invited 5 experts, including head of China Solid State Lighting Alliance, chairman of iBest (Suzhou China) Low-carbon Energy Technology Co. Ltd., senior analyst of environmental protection industry of CITIC Securities, heads of some listed companies in energy conservation and environmental protection sector, to make their keynote speeches. Corporate partners, investment decision-making reviewers, heads of various research teams from Investment Department, and all the co-workers of Emerging Industry Investment Department II attended the seminar. 

In the energy conservation, the experts made their wonderful speeches on status quo, pattern, relevant policies and future development trend of LED industry and building energy conservation industry. The co-workers from Investment Department made an in-depth discussion on the break point of LED lighting industry, industrial competition factors, the application of EMC business mode into the energy conservation sector, etc. 

In the environmental protection, the experts made their wonderful speeches on status quo of development, competition pattern, industrial development trend, exploitation of investment opportunities, innovation of business mode, etc. of the segmented environmental protection sectors. The co-workers from Investment Department made a detailed discussion and exchange with the external experts on investment risk, investment opportunity, new-type environmental protection technology, etc. in the water treatment and solid waste treatment sectors. 

Through the industry seminar, corporate emerging industry research teams have built a sound channel of communication and exchange with external research institutions, industry associations, and the listed companies in the environmental protection industry, and expanded industrial vision to enhance research and judgment ability of the emerging industry research teams 
