JD Capital Held 2015 Annual Fund Meeting at Yanqihu Lake


The 2015 Annual Fund Meeting of JD Capital was held in Yanqihu Lake Hotel on May 18 and 19. Beijing. Investors and representatives of JD Capital attended the meeting.

Amid years’ downturn of the real economy though, China has witnessed an unprecedented bull market driven by voluminous capital. Capital is transforming the economic landscape and social progress in a powerful way never seen before. In the face of rare capital bubble and great fever, to ramp up speed and passion or to keep calm and persevering, to ride on the wave or to be bystanders have become questions to answer.

This year’s meeting comprised two parts: thematic forum and forum on investment strategies. Ge Weiping, Vice Chairman of SAC and General Manager of Inter OTC Limited, Ba Shusong, chief economist of China Banking Association, and Cai Lei, partner of JD Capital addressed the thematic forum and talked with guests about the situations, opportunities and strategies for China’s economy and its capital market. On the strategy forum, partners of JD Capital and heads of each fund delivered foresighted and feasible investment strategies for each segment.

Macro economy and capital market

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the construction of a multi-tiered capital market in China has been accelerated. At this conference, Ge Weiping delivered a thematic speech titled “The Innovation & Development of the OTC Market, New Opportunities for China’s Securities Market”. He said that significant demands for wealth management has arisen from the development of real economy, accumulation of social wealth and deeper innovation of finance. It was high time that we develop a multi-level capital market, implement finance opening-up strategies and transform regulation and supervision models.

The situation of macro economy was also heatedly discussed at this meeting. After the global financial crisis in 2008, major economies in the world have adopted various methods to deal with the crisis and improve their economy. Ba Shusong, a prestigious economist, delivered a thematic speech titled “The Wealth Management against the Development Trend & New Situation for Macro Economy”. Through the comparison among the development of major economies including the US, Europe and Japan in the past 30 years, Ba Shusong made his judgment on the development trend of China’s economy in the future and provided investors with a clear asset allotment strategy amid the economy transformation.

Strategies and actions

JD Capital has always been a prudent and proactive investor. It has gained better investment ability and upgraded the business mode through diversified investment activities, such as holding and controlling shares, investment in listed companies and NEEQ-listed ones, involvement in SOE reforms and overseas M&A. Cai Lei, partner of JD Capital, delivered a speech centering on “What to Stick to and where to Make Breakthroughs, the Strategy and Tactics of JD Capital”. She mentioned that JD Capital determined to create long-lasting, significant and stable returns for investors, to facilitate the development of world-class enterprises through integrating capital with industry and to develop itself into a responsible and respectable institution for generations of people by making contributions to the prosperity of our country, the progress of our nation and humanity advance. 

The investment in industrial M&A is the core business of large global equity investment institutions. On May 19, Kang Qingshan, partner of JD Capital, introduced the mode and strategy of M&A investment on the strategy forum. Cao Jian, Vice President of UTour, shared the story with the audience about a legendary growth of UTour’s market cap from 300 million yuan to 14.1 million within one year. He also said that it was the close cooperation between UTour and JD Capital and a series of overseas M&A after the IPO that had contributed to the legendary growth. 

On the strategy forum, other speeches on investment strategies had also drawn great attention, such as “Investment in Health, the Investment Strategy for Healthcare Industry” by Wu Qinggong, partner of JD Capital; “Sustainable Development of a Beautiful China, the Investment Strategy for Environment & Energy Industry” by He Qiang, CEO of JD Captial; “Opportunities for the Capital amid the Construction of Strong Army, the Investment Strategy for the Military Industry” by He Gang, MD of military investment funds; “Looking for another JD amid the Popularity of the NEEQ, the Investment Strategy for the NEEQ Investment” by Yu Ming, MD of TMT investment funds.

Holding fast to ideals and making breakthroughs

In April 2014, JD Capital went public on the NEEQ and raised billion-worth of funds through two private placements. It has carried out a series of activities including the establishment of JT Asset Management, the acquisition of Jiuzhou Securities, the launch of Genius Plan (private venture capital), and the set-up of Longtai JD (inferior funds investment). JD Capital has embarked on its journey to develop itself into a world-class integrated asset management institution, contributing significant returns to the investors in the above-mentioned two private placements. 

In 2015, JD Capital continued to ride on the positive trend and reported good news. It acquired Jinbaishi (a third-part payment company), established Jiuxin Finance (a P2P Internet finance company), initiated a private bank, ventured into international business, acquired Zhongjiang Real Estate (600053) and launched the third private placement worth nearly tens of billions of yuan. Sticking to its philosophy and ideal, JD Capital is determined to make further progress and breakthroughs in its investment cause. 
