Bo YU Attended “The 3rd China Bio & Healthcare Industry Investment Forum 2013” Hosted by the Zero2IP


In order to better promote the connection of capital with medical treatment industry, “The 3rd China Bio & Healthcare Industry Investment Forum 2013” hosted by the Zero2IPO was held in Beijing on June 20th, 2013. The forum invited heads of many well-known investment institutions such as Warburg Pincus, IDG Capital, Sequoia Capital and Jiuding Capital to conduct direct dialogues with nearly 200 entrepreneurs from medical treatment and healthcare industry enterprises including iKang Healthcare, Byer Dental, etc.

Participants of this investment forum conducted deep discussions on the development trend of the current medical treatment and healthcare industry.  Correspondent to the current development situation and hot issues of China’s medical treatment and healthcare industry, six specialty dialogues were held, which were “To seek for fortune in after-medical-treatment-reform time”, “Where will the pharmaceutical road go”, “It’s time for intelligent medical treatment”, “How to innovate and upgrade medical device industry”, “Bio-technology strives forwards”. The participants also conducted deep discussions about development opportunities and challenges faced with by each segmentation sector of the medical treatment and healthcare industry.

On the forum, many investors from China’s top PE firms agreed that they are confident about investments in the medical treatment and healthcare industry and this industry will meet an M&A time. Jiuding Capital partner Bo YU pointed out that in the next 5 to 10 years China will become the supply center of global pharmaceutical products. Under this influence, investment opportunities in the medical treatment and healthcare industry will become more and more. Jiuding Capital will focus on M&As in the medical treatment industry in future.
