The First Seminar of Healthcare Industry and Hospital Management Held Successfully


China’s medical reform has entered a crucial period. With continuous improvement of people’s economic conditions and health awareness, plus rapid population aging, medical demands are released at a faster pace. However, in today’s China, the medical industry still suffers from low industrial concentration, low securitization ratio and clear upstream-downstream division. As a result, people’s strong demand in medical services are far from being satisfied.

Additional supply of quality medical resources is necessary for meeting people’s health needs. While professionalized and collectivized chain medical groups serve as important providers of new medical resources, capital is the key power boosting their growth. The service improvement and expansion of such groups will strongly promote the transition and upgrading of China’s healthcare industry, effectively improve user experience, and contribute to the national strategy of “Healthy China 2030”. The development of medical groups will not only improve social welfare, but bring about sound returns for their shareholders and staff.

China’s equity investment. With a view to profoundly seizing investment opportunities in medical health and discussing investment strategies, JD Capital’s massive health investment sector and the department of medical management jointly held the first Seminar of Healthcare Industry and Hospital Management. Mr. Cai Lei, chairman of JD Capital, and Mr. Huang Zhen, vice president and responsible person of the sector, attended the seminar and delivered speeches. Kang Qingshan, general manager of JD Capital, was the presider.

Representatives from the management team of JD Capital-invested hospitals (e.g. Henan Jiuqiao Medical Group, Pizhou Dongda Hospital, Anhui Shoukang Hospital, Datong Xiandai Hospital, Shandong Lunan Ophthalmic Hospital, Chongqing Ankang Hospital, and Lianhua Hospital of Xiamen), outstanding medical groups (e.g. Shanghai Yodak Cardiothoracic Hospital and Sanbo Hospital Group) and JD Capital-invested pharmaceutical and medical equipment enterprises (e.g. Autek, Warmen, Lkcisen, and Luofushan Sinopharm), experts from Dalian Medical University, as well as JD Capital’s health investment team, joined the seminar. Guests shared their experiences on hospital operation and management, and exchanged views on the development trend of the medical industry.

JD Capital always considers the massive health industry centering on medicine and healthcare as an important investment field. In its years’ history of healthcare investment, JD Capital developed a complete set of “methodology”. By now, JD Capital has invested in a total of over 50 domestic enterprises in the field, including subfields of chemical pharmacy, Chinese patent medicine, medical equipment, biological pharmacy and hospital. By the end of 2016, JD Capital had invested in 8 private hospital groups, with 17 grade-B hospitals and above under management.

In the future, JD Capital will continue to take advantage of its resources in the massive health sector and regularly hold theme seminars in relation to the healthcare industry. The seminars will have clear features: by focusing on expertise and capital, constructive discussions on the development of healthcare industry and medical investment will be carried out, and a professional seminar brand in such field will be built.
